API Reference
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Fetch all threshold crossings for spaces on a given day.
Response conforms to the JSON API spec https://jsonapi.org/.
Responses are limited to 1,000 threshold crossings after which pagination will take place.

Example Requests

Query for 1 day of data.https://api.vergesense.com/spaces/thresholds/crossings?date=2022-08-02
Query for 1 hour of data.https://api.vergesense.com/spaces/thresholds/crossings?filter[timestamp][gte]=2022-08-02T16:00:00Z&filter[timestamp][lt]=2022-08-02T17:00:00Z


FieldDescriptionData Type
dataArray of space threshold crossings.Array of Space Threshold Crossing Data Models (see below)
includedIncluded relationships.Building
linksPagination links.Links

Space Threshold Crossing Model

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique identifier for the threshold crossing in the form:
[space id]|[timestamp]
attributes.space_idThe space (building/floor/space) that the threshold crossing was reported forString
attributes.threshold_idThe threshold that the threshold crossing was reported forString
attributes.timestampTimestamp of the crossing (UTC)String
attributes.directionDirection of the crossing. in|outString
One of in or out.
relationships.buildingOnly present if the crossing was reported for a building. Details included in the included top level response key.Object|null
relationships.floorOnly present if the crossing was reported for a floor. Details included in the included top level response key.Object|null
relationships.spaceOnly present if the crossing was reported for a space. Details included in the included top level response key.Object|null
relationships.thresholdThe threshold that the crossing was associated withObject
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