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Hourly metrics for spaces


local_dateStringLocal date, formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
local_hourNumberLocal hour between 0-23.
capacityNumberCapacity of the space which the metric belongs at the time when the metric was recorded.
avg_person_count StringAverage amount of people in space.
min_person_count NumberMinimum amount of people in space.
max_person_countNumberMaximum amount of people in space.
minutes_actively_occupiedStringAmount of minutes that the space was actively occupied.
minutes_passively_occupied StringAmount of minutes that the space was passively occupied.
avg_pct_utilizationNumberAverage percentage that the space was utilized, represented in decimal form.
min_pct_utilizationNumberMinimum percentage that the space was utilized, represented in decimal form.
max_pct_utilizationNumberMaximum percentage that the space was utilized, represented in decimal form.
pct_time_actively_occupiedStringPercentage of hour that the space was actively occupied, represented in decimal form.
pct_time_passively_occupied StringPercentage of hour that the space was passively occupied, represented in decimal form.

Query Parameters

local_date and local_hour have 6 different comparison operators.

filter[<local_date/local_hour>][<operator>]=<value to filter against>

eq== is equal to
not_eq!= is not equal to
lt< is less than
lte<= is less than or equal to
gt> is greater than
gte>= is greater than or equal to
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