API Reference
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Fetch all detections for spaces on a given day.
Response conforms to the JSON API spec https://jsonapi.org/.
Responses are limited to 10,000 detections after which pagination will take place.

Example Requests

Query for 1 day of data.https://api.vergesense.com/spaces/detections?date=2022-08-02
Query for 1 hour of data.https://api.vergesense.com/spaces/detections?filter[timestamp][gte]=2022-08-02T16:00:00Z&filter[timestamp][lt]=2022-08-02T17:00:00Z
Query for 1 hour of data for a single spacehttps://api.vergesense.com/spaces/detections?space_id=1234&filter[timestamp][gte]=2022-08-02T16:00:00Z&filter[timestamp][lt]=2022-08-02T17:00:00Z


FieldDescriptionData Type
dataArray of space detections.Array of Space Detection Models (see below)
includedIncluded relationships.Building
linksPagination links.Links

Space Detection Model

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique identifier for the space detection.String
attributes.space_idThe space (building/floor/space) that the detection was reported forInteger
attributes.timestampTimestamp of the detection (UTC)String|null
attributes.countCount of people detectedInteger
attributes.signs_of_lifeWhether or not "signs of life" were detectedInteger|null
relationships.buildingOnly present if the detection was reported for a building. Details included in the included top level response key.Object|null
relationships.floorOnly present if the detection was reported for a floor. Details included in the included top level response key.Object|null
relationships.spaceOnly present if the detection was reported for a space. Details included in the included top level response key.Object|null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!