API Reference
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Get the most recent sensor reports for spaces.


building_ref_idStringIdentifier of the space's building.
floor_ref_idString|nullIdentifier of the space's floor. Can be null for EN1 devices which report data for a building.
space_ref_idString|nullIdentifier of the space. Can be null for EN1 devices which report data for a building or floor.
nameStringThe space's name.
space_typeStringThe space's type. Either a default type or custom type.
last_reportsObjectAn array of the most recent reports for each sensor reporting information on the space.
last_reports.idStringAn identifier of the sensor reporting on the space.
last_reports.person_countNumberThe number of people observed by the sensor in this space.
last_reports.signs_of_lifeBooleanWhether or not signs of life was observed by the sensor in this space. May be null if signs of life is not enabled for the sensor.
last_report.motion_detectedBooleanWhether or not the sensor captured a motion event. May be null if the sensor is not capable of capturing motion/PIR events.
last_report.timestampStringThe timestamp of the report.
peopleObjectInformation on the people observed in the space.
people.countNumberTotal number of people observed in the space by all sensors reporting on the space.
people.distancesObjectInformation on the distances between people in the space.
people.distances.unitsStringThe units in which the distance values are presented. Always meters
people.distances.valuesArrayThe pairwise distances between each pair of people observed by each sensor reporting on the space. For a space with a single sensor, this is just the pairwise distances between all people in the space. If n people are present, there will be n*(n-1)/2 total distances.
environmentObjectEnvironmental information for the space.
environment.sensorStringThe identifier of the sensor that computed the environmental data of this space.
environment.timestampStringThe timestamp of the sensor report when this environmental data was computed.
environment.humidityObjectThe humidity computed for the space.
environment.humidity.unitsStringHumidity is measured in Relative Humidity ("RH")
environment.humidity.valueNumberThe humidity computed for the space.
environment.iaqObjectThe Indoor Air Quality for the space.
environment.iaq.unitsStringIAQ is measured in the Umweltbundesam (UBA) the German Environment Agency's custom metric for indoor air quality.
environment.iaq.valueNumberThe Indoor Air Quality for the space.
environment.temperatureObjectThe temperature for the space.
environment.temperature.unitsStringTemperature is measured in Celsius ("C")
environment.temperature.valueNumberTemperature of the space.
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