Fetch all gateways. Response conforms to the JSON API spec are limited to 1,000
gateway after which pagination will take place.
Hardware Gateway Model
Field | Description | Data Type |
id | Unique identifier for the VergeSense hardware gateway. Ex: C0300A1234-01234 | String |
type | gateway | String |
attributes.model | VergeSense hardware model. Ex: rigado | String |
attributes.firmware | Firmware version of the gateway (if available). | String |
attributes.coordinates | The latitude and longitude of the gateway location, if it exists. If it does not exist, this value will be null . This is an example of the result"coordinates": { "lat": 11.1111, "lng": 22.2222 } | Object |
attributes.mac_address | MAC address of the gateway. | String | | Current network status of the gateway. Can be one of the following:offline - the gateway has not sent a report in over an houronline - the gateway has sent a report in the last hour | String |
relationships.building | The building that the gateway is located within. Building details included in the included top level response key. | Object |
relationships.floor | The floor that the gateway is installed on. Floor details included in the included top level response key. | Object |