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API Reference

Fetch all gateways. Response conforms to the JSON API spec https://jsonapi.org/.Responses are limited to 1,000 gateway after which pagination will take place.


FieldDescriptionData Type
dataArray of hardware gateway models.Array of Hardware Gateway Models (see below)
includedIncluded relationships.Building
linksPagination links.Links

Hardware Gateway Model

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique identifier for the VergeSense hardware gateway. Ex: C0300A1234-01234String
attributes.modelVergeSense hardware model. Ex: rigadoString
attributes.firmwareFirmware version of the gateway (if available).String
attributes.coordinatesThe latitude and longitude of the gateway location, if it exists. If it does not exist, this value will be null. This is an example of the result

"coordinates": { "lat": 11.1111, "lng": 22.2222 }
attributes.mac_addressMAC address of the gateway.String
attributes.network.statusCurrent network status of the gateway. Can be one of the following:
offline - the gateway has not sent a report in over an hour
online - the gateway has sent a report in the last hour
relationships.buildingThe building that the gateway is located within. Building details included in the included top level response key.Object
relationships.floorThe floor that the gateway is installed on. Floor details included in the included top level response key.Object
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